Friday, June 3, 2011

Cardboard Craft Gadgets: Disposable Design Statement?

custom cardboard cut out gadgets
Like life-size cardboard figure cut-outs used to advertise movies, these creative constructions are
merely representations of other objects – but how far are they from the objects we so regularly throw away? We all realize the truth in this upon reflection, but it is still sometimes shocking to concede: we treat amazing technologies as disposable goods.
cardboard craft objects
cardboard craft making
cardboard craft design
Making things used to be about durability, design was made to last. Now no one expects even their suburban home to be well-built, let alone a phone or camera. Indeed, in a world of mass-production one could imagine to make another one-off gadget may now be more difficult than it is for someone like Kyle Bean to hand-craft a custom cardboard sculpture. Design for thought. Who knows, maybe the next generation of high-tech gadgets really well be cut out of cardboard.

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