25 year old Giant Bullfrog Brullie is jumping for joy, after having received the first bullfrog orthopedic surgery in the history of medicine. This rare species of frog was rushed to the animal hospital after being chomped by a hungry dog and the vet operated, putting an inch long steel pin in his leg.

"The vet was more used to saving cats and dogs and couldn't understand why I was so worried about a frog, but he eventually agreed to it.It was a nervous few hours while we waited for him to come round after the op, but he's healing up now and hobbling about the garden. The x-rays suggest he'll be as good as new." reported Anne Mearns, 62, a wildlife expert who found the mangled amphibian. She added, "This kind of giant bullfrog is only found in this part of the world and they are getting rarer." Now weeks later, Brullie is already on the hopping about at Anne's home near Johannesburg, South Africa.
Hopefully the giant bullfrog won't croak before he is able to hop off on his own into the wild. Bullfrog surgery - it's JUST COOL!
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