I have a fleamarket / garage sale obsession. That's how I get all the treasures that I list on my ebay auctions at PopArtCafe , not to mention how I've furnished my home (even down to cleaning and office supplies) which is about 99.5% great finds from these places. Not only do I save A LOT of money this way but I think ( and visitors will agree) that it looks pretty JUST COOL! Anyway...found this great idea over at a fav blog of mine, Beach Vintage, and have to do it - after all, I think I've passed up a kazillion old fish bowls at all the tag sales I've hit in the past 30 years!Yup - I'm that old ;)

those comfy slipcovered sofas and other accessories don't hurt the look either...
Simone Georgette ... "Picked up this glass fish bowl from a second hand store for $5.00. What on earth was I going to do with it? I had no intention of using it for it's original purpose. So here's the equation. Sand from my favourite beach + 2 candles = FAB atmosphere at night..."
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