People of Walmart is a hilarious blog that highlights , you guessed it, the people of Walmart! Everyday Walmart shoppin' people caught on camera being their crazy freakish selves. Okay I confess that I too sometimes shop at Walmart. But I do look in the mirror to make sure I'm presentable when I leave the house . I guess not the case with these walmart shoppers ;)
the latest in tri-color toupee technology...

Cousin Its cousin

worthy of a large flyswatter...

why buy a davy crocket hat when you can grow one?

trying to figure out exactly what THIS is...

a cute bob for Bob...

it's alive!

to shave or not to shave and look like an idiot while trying to decide...

the latest version of the alien abduction helmet

a hairy rug inspired by The Donald or a Donald Trump wannabe

It's not only the hair that inspired People of Walmart blog - but there are Walmart bellies, butts and clothing that will have you on the floor LYOA! Its JUST COOL!
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