Friday, June 3, 2011

Fantastic Floor-to-Ceiling, Whole-Wall Bookcases & Shelves

bookcase art design
Never let someone tell you that there is a fine line between art and design, or even a modestly-sized
gray area – particularly when the artists, architects and/or designers of the Dutch firm EventArchitectuur are around to explore the colorful and creative interplay of installation art, architectural construction and creative interior design.
bookshelves as art
While their work does not always revolve around book shelving and casework, this is a common theme in their pieces – from elaborate wooden wall bookcases for homes, offices and libraries to entire staggered-shelf storefronts and structural interior walls designed to doubl as storage spaces.
bookcase installation design
The theme they seem to explore throughout all of these experiments concerns permeability and flexibility of structure and space – they expand the flat notion of the wall into a three-dimensional, interactive and functional space that is more than merely a passive surface.
bookshelving and storage art
Though repeated visual rhythms and structural techniques are visible throughout their constructions, each temporary and permanent installation builds upon lessons learned from the last and has a distinctive, site-specific uniqueness that defines it within their body of work.

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