What a delight! Nestled among the daisies is this irresistable little playhouse any child would love. Sooooo cute, it makes me want to go back to my own childhood (or buy one of these little dwellings for Aven and Calla!). The qb is the first children’s play house which isn’t only unique in it's qua shape, but it is special because you can completely customize it according to your own specifications. Choose from a fun array of colors and prints or upload your own patterns and build your own personal design!
Netherlands based company QUUBI builds each of these tiny fairytale houses to order. Each is made of durable, high-quality materials, is environment-friendly and a portion of all sales goes to “Right to play”, because QB feels that all children have the right to play.
Netherlands based company QUUBI builds each of these tiny fairytale houses to order. Each is made of durable, high-quality materials, is environment-friendly and a portion of all sales goes to “Right to play”, because QB feels that all children have the right to play.

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