Sunday, February 22, 2009

recycle :: let's book

Who has piles of old paperbacks stored in their closets, cellars and attics - raise your hand! I do, and I have no idea what to do with all of them. Some I have inherited, some I have picked up at tag sales and some I've even bought new. And since I don't even read books anymore, they are just gathering dust. SO what do you do with them? Here are some clever ideas.

Rhode Island artist David Karoff welded a chair of discarded rebar and attached used paperbacks: they have holes drilled though their insides and are slipped onto the hidden frame. Need some reading material? Just pull one off of your chair!
Or how about building a fort out of all those books - kind of similar to Tom Bendtsens "Argument"  series, below...

You may not read them anymore but for all of their other neat uses, paperback books are JUST COOL!

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