American Idol was a real hit this season. And a surprise! Just when I thought Adam Lambert was for sure the winner, Chris snuck in from behind and took the title. I have to admit I was disappointed. I'm sorry , but to me Chris didn't have the voice nor the star quality that Adam Lambert had. Seriously, he was just another mainstream generic boy next door type and nothing about him thrilled me at all. On the thrill meter, Adam was another story though. His entertaining style was what kept Idol from being dull and boring. The special affects, the flashy wardrobe - even the jewelry (did you see
Adam Lambert's Spiked Pendant?) had to be the highlight of just about every show! And speaking of jewelry - that pendant definitely showed off this boys rocker style to the max. I wonder how many of you are wondering where you may purchase something like that? Well here's another surprise, because you can buy it from the very website that provided that and some other pieces of Adam's jewelry . Is that JUST COOL or what? That flashy pendant got a lot of notoriety due to IDOL . Check out more cool bling on the website,
TattooApparel.com and see more
Rock Star Jewelry for yourself!

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