Did you know that this week is the American Humane Association’s Be Kind to Animals Week? You can make a difference in a homeless animals life, plus do a wonderful service to your own pet by having them microchipped with proper identification that cannot fall off or become impossible to read , through the
Home Again Web Site . Micro-chipping is a permanent form of identification that gives pets the best chance of being reunited with their owners when lost and Home Again has recovered over 500,00 pets this way. Now that's impressive! And the company doesn't stop there. It is also a comprehensive national pet-recovery service that goes beyond microchipping. For an annual subscription fee, Home Again members have telephone access to pet recovery specialists and 24/7 emergency medical assistance . The program also includes medical pet insurance for lost pets and reimbursable travel expenses for pets found more than 500 miles from home. Go check out their website and to commemorate the American Humane Association’s Be Kind to Animals Week for every pet registered to their microchip program from May 3-9, Home Again will donate $1 to bringpetshome.com,
a fundraising Web site specifically created to help shelter animals . Now that's JUST COOL and I'm sure that Poppy Petunia approves!

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