Awwww...Summertime! A lazy season to kick back and enjoy the great outdoors. Like going camping. for instance. Sure, it's hectic preparation - getting all the camping gear together, planning for meals etc. but once you get all the kids, the dogs and camping paraphanalia in the car, fun is just around the corner (or up the mountain)! Last year when we went camping in Maine we had a blast. Even Poppy Petunia had a good time until a run in with a skunk and then none of us were happy campers for a couple days. Infact we ended up staying away from the campsite for those couple days because the stink was so bad. And giving Poppy a Tomato Juice bath wasn't successful either . Looking back on that stinky memory I wish I had known about Dogosuds, an awesome dog shampoo from Dinovite. This amazing dog shampoo not only takes the skunk odor away but comes in four different all natural blends that leave your pooch smelling fresh, fragrant and clean!It also contains no chemicals or perfumes, just honest to goodness soothing herbal ingredients like saponified coconut ,olive and jojoba oils, aloe, yucca, peppermint,bergamot,geranium,patchouli,sandalwood and rosemary extracts and of course tea tree oil. Oh and if your dog is itching and scratching along with doggy odor , Dogosuds is great for that too! I wish I had it with me during that camping trip! Live and learn - I know I'll be bringing some with us next time we hit the trail!

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